On Monday, El Gato Software launched the first consumer PVR for the Macintosh market. Sony ships several Vaio consumer PCs with its GigaPocket PVR. PVRs, which let consumers use an online guide to schedule shows for recording ahead of time or to stop or replay live action programming, are not new to PCs.
Windows Media Center also comes with a digital personal video recorder (PVR) that serves up TiVo-like features, as long as the PC contains an additional TV tuner card and other hardware. 'But with the penetration of broadband and the ability to watch DVD on PC now makes it more relevant.' 'Apple was offering remotes with their PCs, like in the early '90s,' Jones said. Using a remote control, consumers would be able to listen to digital music, work with digital photos, create movies or watch DVD movies or TV shows. Some of the new features on Windows Media Center would be hard for Apple to easily dismiss, Jones said.
The timing of the announcement, he said, could be designed to draw attention away from Macworld and Apple's digital media strategy. One was start windows normally, two was safe mode, three was safe mode with networking, four is safe mode with command prompt, last is last known good configuration.(Remember its been a while since I turned it on)I selected start windows normally but showed the windows loading screen for like two seconds and gives me a blue screen.